Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog post 2 for lightning project

I think that lightning has something to do with electricity and static electricity. I think lightning might be caused by friction between the hot and cold air in the sky during a storm. I've heard people refer to the interaction between hot and cold air when they are referring to thunder, and thunder is the sound that is created by lightning.

I think I can do some experiments with static electricity to help me understand my questions about lightning, mainly what types of objects attract a lightning bolt. I know that if you rub a balloon on your hair that your hair is then attracted to the balloon because of static electricity.

I would like to try to create static electricity with a balloon and see if I can create some type of spark. I could use different objects like a metal doorknob, a cup of water, a wooden chair, etc. I am suspecting that when the balloon is near  metal it will be more likely to create a spark. If this holds true, it would lead me to believe that lightning is in fact attracted to metal. Hopefully, by experimenting with static electricity I can find out what types of objects attract electricity, which will in turn help me figure out what types of objects lightning is attracted to.

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